viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010


I think it's about time I close this, and by this I mean the event that haunted my head for a year and a half.
But how to close It? Some time ago I wrote what became a short film, but because it was a school team work, It didn't come out as I planned it.

So, because of my condition, an "arty" project sounds about right, but where to start?
I think it would be better if i try to picture everything from the other side, making her the main character.

maybe divide it into 4 parts: The beginning, the EVENT, the trauma, the post trauma

Really graphic images at times.

first part: Love, hope, space LITTLE PRINCE, complete, fate, future, infinity (maybe some direct references)


Second part: partying, drinking, large numbers of people, game references (cards maybe) A KISS.

Third Part: Trauma, Lonelyness, Ignoring, heartbreak, jealousy, distance, distance, distance, repetition, rutine, colission. (^sigh*)

Fourth part: Reality bites, hopelessness, bitter, angry, coma, sustained ecg. MAD. no love. Decaydence logo.

fifth part: the understanding (return to page nunmer one and understand)

yup, sounds about right


porque en ingles? por culpa de Gardoni, pero tiene la razon y el ingles siempre sera mas poetico por su constante distanciamiento con el lenguaje en el que pienso, asi cuando es traducido, pasa por un proceso de depuracion y suena "bonito"

Is that Bruce Willis in a Gorillaz video? awesome

Could I do my final carrer thesis based on a creative commons musical?

I hope so

G bye

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